Cinema8 Webhooks

Two-way communications between your videos and your applications

Extend your interactive video features with Webhooks & Callback Functions

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Server Side Webhooks

Send and receive data in real time within your videos, whenever the relevant event happens.

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Javascript Callbacks

You can hook to a custom js code, send and receive any data between your code and video in runtime with JS Webhooks.

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Api & SDK Integration

C8 javascript API enables any native integration between 3rd party applications using 2way data integration, webhooks and more.

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Widget Hooks

Add hooks to the videos at runtime within powerfull plug & play module development environment.

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Cinema8 Webhooks

Server Side Webhooks

Real Time & Two-Way Data Integration

A webhook (also called a web callback or HTTP push API) is a way for an app to provide other applications with real-time information. A webhook delivers data to other applications as it happens, meaning you get data immediately. Cinema8 webhooks are a method you can use to inject your own business processes into your interactive videos, easily and instantly.

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Cinema8 Api

Javascript WebHooks

Custom Javascript Callbacks

You can add javascript web hooks in to your interactive videos with Cinema8.By this technic you can inject custom javascript codes in to your videos and empower your interactive videos with your business process. Callbacks are used as customized methods, possibly for adding to/changing your interactive video's behavior.

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Cinema8 turns any video into interactive experience

Empower your video content with enterprise-grade hosting, seamless streaming, and built-in monetization.

A Drag & Drop
No-Code Interaction Design Platform With Unprecedented Features

Interactive Video

Turn normal videos into immersive, interactive, and highly engaging interactive experiences. Branching with native video clicks , image clicks , question answers or without any action ? Conditional or Programatic Branching ? Everything is possible within Cinema8

1000+ Design Elements

A constantly evolving library of ready-to-use plug & play module library with customisation options.

360° Video / VR Capability

Add interactivity elements to 360° videos for mobile, desktop, and VR environments. Engaging 360° videos, ideal for 360 virtual tours, orientation programs, showcasing real estate, exploring touristic destinations, and more.

Drag & Drop, No-Code

Users just drag and drop the elements they want onto the video - a simple, direct and fast process, without any coding involved.

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Comprehensive Video Analytics

Tools to collect, analyse, understand, and act upon the data collected from your audience’s engagement with your interactive videos.

AI / Smart Hotspots & Overlays

Use object & motion detection , object tracking machine learning algorithms to create smart interactive video solutions.

Open Development Environment

Cinema8 widget development architecture & open development environment provides users with exceptional flexibility and a developer-driven ecosystem.

Enterprise Grade Video Streaming

Video CDN, VOD, Live Streaming, 360 Video, OTT, Dynamic Audio/Subtitle management and more with Enterprise Grade security options.