Maximise retention and boost productivity with interactive onboarding

Deliver interactive onboarding with Cinema8 for engaging and effective learning experiences, while reducing ramp-up time.

Power up your teams with memorable onboarding experiences. Cinema8 turns training into an opportunity to set everyone up for success from day one.


A revolutionary approach to superior onboarding, enhancing employee engagement and accelerating learning curves.

Dynamic employee onboarding

Create a welcoming and informative environment without the logistical challenges of traditional methods. Tailor content to individual learning styles and preferences with Cinema8, ensuring each employee understands their role and the company culture from day one.

Efficient seller onboarding for e-commerce

Streamline seller training by demonstrating key processes like listing products and managing transactions through interactive videos. Simplify complex steps, save time and reduce churn, setting your sellers up for success from the start.

Innovative recruitment marketing

Attract top talent with Cinema8 by showcasing your company's culture and values through interactive videos. Enable potential hires to explore your employee value proposition in a compelling way that truly stands out.

360-degree interactivity

Give new hires a comprehensive introduction with virtual site tours via Cinema8’s user-friendly platform. Explore new workplaces using 360-degree interactivity without the need for travel or disrupting schedules, making each onboarding session impactful and cost-effective.

360-degree interactivity

Dynamic video branching

Enhance the onboarding experience with flexible, tailored viewing paths. Cinema8 allows effortless design of interactive pathways, using conditional actions within a single video or connecting multiple video segments and actions through our advanced flow editor.

Embedded videos and media

Easily integrate additional resources within the primary onboarding video with Cinema8, creating a layered, informative experience that addresses all queries and enhances understanding.

Embedded videos and media

Interactive hotspots

Use Cinema8 to strategically embed these clickable points in onboarding videos to reveal in-depth content, links or tools, ensuring new hires absorb crucial information effectively.

Interactive hotspots

AI-automated workflows and subtitles

Make your onboarding videos accessible to a diverse workforce with subtitles and translations in over 100 languages. Simplify your content management with Cinema8’s AI-generated video summaries, chapterisation and keyword tags, streamlining how you organise video resources.

Frequently asked questions (FAQs)

Cinema8 offers robust security measures, including password protection and customisable URLs for different user groups to safeguard your content. We also encrypt sensitive data within videos, ensuring compliance with global standards and providing precise access control to maintain the integrity of your sensitive information.
Recognising the pressures sellers face when launching on new platforms, Cinema8 eases this transition. We transform onboarding for e-commerce sellers into a seamless, engaging experience with interactive video guides that streamline key processes like product listing and transaction management. Our intuitive, easy-to-integrate platform is designed to minimise setup concerns, letting sellers focus on what truly matters—maximising their commercial success from day one.
Interactive videos elevate onboarding by engaging new hires or sellers actively, boosting retention and participation. Cinema8 streamlines this process with unlimited interactivity options and versatile video branching – whether within a single video or by connecting multiple segments smoothly.
Cinema8 provides comprehensive support including tutorials, customer service, and a user-friendly platform that makes it easy to create and deploy interactive videos.
Absolutely! Cinema8 provides robust analytics tools, including A/B testing and heatmaps, to measure viewer engagement. These tools allow you to optimise your onboarding strategies based on real-time, solid data.
Have another question?

Transform your onboarding process today with Cinema8’s AI-driven interactive videos. Lead the way in innovation and efficiency, and boost productivity.