Create immersive, smart, and highly engaging interactive video experiences

Unlimited design capabilities, 1000+ ready-to-use plugins, advanced analytics, and custom branding, All with D&D and zero coding.

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Trusted by over 100 brands around the world

Experience the best interactive video platform

Create interactive videos in minutes with thousands of ready-to-use plugins and AI modules in Cinema8's drag & drop, and no-code interactive video design environment.

Technology & Art, A completely New Experience For Audiences

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Drag & Drop , No-Code

Drag & Drop, no-code interaction design platform to create any interactive video concept.

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1000+ Widget Library

A constantly evolving library of ready-to-use plugins with custom development features.

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360 / AR / VR Support

Add interactivity elements into 360° videos and publish them within any AR-VR environment.

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Advanced Analytics

Learn who your current and potential customers are and boost your interactive video ROI.

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Custom Widget Development

Wrap your custom CSS, HTML, and JS code within your widgets.

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AI, Object & Motion Tracking

Built-in object & motion detection, and object tracking ML algorithms

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Smart Overlays + Hotspots

Unlimited in-video overlays, hotspots and CTA possibilities.

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Customisations & Integrations

Let your videos reflect your brand & integrate with any 3rd party app

Cinema8 Interactive Video Awards


Push the limits of creativity with our award-winning interactive video platform.

  • 1000+ Design Elements
  • Drag & Drop No-Code
  • AI & Machine Learning
  • 360 / VR Compatible
  • Unlimited Integrations
  • Secure Video Hosting

Cinema8's interactive videos have ultimate versatility

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Interactive Films
Interactive Films
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Video Branching
Video Branching
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Shoppable Videos
Shoppable Videos
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360 AR / VR Environments
360 AR / VR Environments
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Marketing & Sales
Marketing & Sales
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Ultimate Do-It-Yourself Interactive Video Platform

Cinema8 is powerful, smart and flexible, and scales to meet the needs of any business. Even yours.

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