Widget Environment

The Widget Edge

Choose from a library of 1000+ design elements or develop custom widgets integrated with video timeline and JS API with <8 /> Widgets component development environment.

Trusted by over 100 brands around the world

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We are trusted by over 500+ clients. Join them now and grow your business with interactive videos

Unlimited design possibilities within an open development environment:

1000+ widget library

A constantly evolving library of ready-to-use tools.

Custom widget development

Wrap your custom CSS , HTML and JS code within your widgets.

Integrate with video timeline

Access video timeline properties , widget timeline live data and synchronise with video stream.

Access to video JS API

You can access all video features like starting , pausing video , accessing variables , setting variables , video onStart , onPause callbacks and more..

Custom properties

Add custom property types to your widgets and let your widget get the runtime data from Creative Studio.

Save & Query any generated data

You can save any generated data inside your widget and report these data from administration panel.

Cinema8 Widget Marketplace

Widget Marketplace

Cinema8’s Widget Library - The Interactive Video Game-Changer.

Unleash the power of interactive video with the most extensive widget library on the market. Choose from a library of 1000+ embeddable widgets, resulting in endless possibilities to develop unique and unrivaled interactive video experiences. And if you are a developer, Cinema8 offers you the ultimate ecosystem for developing widgets for interactive videos.

Explore Widget Marketplace
Cinema8 PlugIn Development

Widget Development.

A video environment where you can develop anything you imagine

Cinema8 widget development platform offers an interactive and live development environment that you can fully integrate with the video timeline and provides the necessary Js APIs to access video related functions. Collect data inside custom widgets you have developed. Cinema8 provides necessary API's that you can save and query this data.

Explore Widget API

Harness the power of interactive video. Speak to a sales specialist to learn how Cinema8 solutions can help to grow your business

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Frequently Asked Questions

If you don't see an answer to your question, you can send us an email from our contact form.

Cinema8's widget environment allows users to add various interactive elements to their videos, such as buttons, forms, quizzes, and more.
Widgets can make your videos interactive, increasing audience engagement and providing additional ways to communicate your message.
Yes, Cinema8 allows for comprehensive customization of widgets to match your brand's look and feel.
No, adding and customizing widgets in Cinema8 does not require any coding or technical knowledge.
Cinema8's analytics reporting allows you to track the performance of your widgets, including views, clicks, and more.
Yes, Cinema8's widgets can be added to a variety of video types, including standard and 360 AR videos.
Yes, you can add multiple widgets to a video, enhancing the interactivity and information provided.
Yes, Cinema8's widgets are designed to work across all devices, including desktop, tablet, and mobile.
Cinema8 offers a wide range of widgets, including text boxes, images, buttons, quizzes, polls, forms, and many more.
Yes, certain widgets such as forms or surveys can be used to gather viewer information, which can be useful for lead generation.
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