Drive real results with video marketing: personalise, engage, convert

Seamlessly turn viewers into leads and sales, elevate click-throughs and conversion with Cinema8’s personalised, shoppable video experiences.

Make every video a direct path to purchase with Cinema8’s AI-driven, drag-and-drop interactivity, and effortlessly maximise your video marketing ROI.


A revolutionary approach to superior video marketing.

Activate videos as sales channels

Embed calls to action for direct lead generation, transforming viewers into engaged prospects. Bridge the gap between engagement and conversion, ensuring no opportunity slips through.

Cutting-edge personalisation at scale

Seamlessly tailor one-of-a-kind journeys based on viewer preferences, making every interaction memorable. Deliver data-driven product recommendations, dynamically adjusting content to match viewer interactions.

Truly experience products

Transform product explainers into dynamic product showcases. Enable your viewers to explore features seamlessly within the video, leading to an immersive and personalised journey. With the ability to add items directly to the cart, maximise your sales potential.

Video marketing consolidated

Streamline your entire video marketing process with our all-in-one platform. From AI-driven interactivity to personalised sharing and deep analytics, optimise every step in one place.

Video marketing consolidated

Lead generation CTAs with CRM integration

Embed calls to action within your videos to stay connected with your audience, automatically capturing leads into any CRM for streamlined follow-ups and targeted marketing strategies.

Lead generation CTAs with CRM integration

Dynamic video branching

Deliver personalised journeys with video and image clicks, question responses, or even no action by choosing conditional or programmatic branched paths. Deeply engage and tailor buyer journeys to viewer preferences.

Interactive pop-up cards and media features

Turn curious buyers into customers. Interactive product cards overlay directly on your video, showcasing essential product details—images, descriptions, prices and purchase links—with a single click, enhancing any product explainer and buyer journey.

Gamification for enhanced engagement

Leverage gamification to spark viewer interest and encourage continuous interaction. With features like leaderboards, badges, personalised coupons and rewards, transform your content into an engaging, competitive experience that boost brand loyalty.

Gamification for enhanced engagement

Frequently asked questions (FAQs)

At Cinema8, we are so passionate about interactive videos, that we want everyone to try them out easily. Try our interactivity, monetisation, AI-driven workflow automation and analytics tools in one simple, monthly subscription, for free. You only pay as you stream each interactive video.
With Cinema8's deep analytics and reporting tools such as A/B testing and heatmaps, you can track viewer interactions, engagement levels and conversion rates easily. These enable you to make informed, data-driven decisions to optimise your video marketing strategies.
Cinema8 is designed for easy integration, enhancing your workflow without disruption. Its intuitive platform complements existing strategies, ensuring a smooth transition and immediate benefits in engagement and conversion rates. Send a personalised link to your viewers, share on social media or embed in a website.
Cinema8 offers a user-friendly interface with drag-and-drop functionality, making the creation of interactive videos accessible to teams without requiring any prior technical knowledge.
Yes, by transforming passive content into interactive experiences, Cinema8 significantly boosts viewer engagement, leading to higher click-through rates and conversions, thereby maximising your marketing ROI.
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Unlock the Power of Your Videos with Cinema8: Transform Viewers into Engaged Prospects.