Cinematic - Interactive Films

Turn your viewers into the lead characters of unforgettable film journeys

Create multiple storylines and endings with Cinema8’s branching options, let your audience influence the events that unfold in the film - the next era of film-making.

Trusted by over 100 brands around the world

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We are trusted by over 500+ clients. Join them now and grow your business with interactive videos

Interactive films

Technology & Art, A completely new experience to audiences:

Push the limits of your imagination

Integration with Adobe AE , Ready 1000+ Design Elements , Unlimited Customisation options and more. See beyond your imagination

Groundbreaking Branching

Branching with native video clicks , image clicks , question answers or without any action ? Conditional or Programatic Branching ? Everything is possible within Cinema8

Multi-Platform Compatibility

Integrate with Youtube, Vimeo, Kaltura, Brightcove, and any AR/VR platform, and send and receive data to-from any CRM, GTM, or any in-house solutions.

Customer Behaviour Analytics

Analyze audience behavior and access detailed insights of your content.

Cinema8 Interactive Films

Interactive Films

A New Era For The Movie Industry

After 3D movies and virtual reality, a new era is here - that of interactive films. After the launch of Netflix’s highly popular Black Mirror interactive film series in 2018, brand interest in the sector has significantly grown. Interactive films offer a completely new experience to audiences, allowing them to change the storylines and ending of movies dynamically, for ultimate engagement. Cinema8 allows you unleash your cinematic creativity and build the interactive film blockbusters of tomorrow.

Platform Overview
Groundbreaking Branching Tools

Interactive Films

Groundbreaking Branching Tools.

Cinema8’s branching tools allows you create endless alternative endings to your interactive videos, inclusive of loops, story pauses, and rewinds. Use Cinema8’s extensive widget library to customise the buttons and hotspots that allow your audience to pick the storyline variation they prefer, easily and instantly. Drag and drop Cinema8’s branching tools into your interactive videos, and turn them into highly effective and exciting interactive movies.

Video Branching

Harness the power of interactive video. Speak to a sales specialist to learn how Cinema8 solutions can help to grow your business

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Multi-Platform Compatibility

Interactive Films

Multi-Platform Compatibility

Make your interactive movies on Cinema8, and publish them instantly on any major video platform (Vimeo, YouTube, Daily Motion, etc or embed them on your website. No rendering needed, with all modifications made and saved instantly - the essence of user-friendly movie making.

Platform Overview

Interactive Films

Advanced Customer Behaviour Analytics.

Find out instantly what endings and storylines your audiences choose, and gather all the data on Cinema8’s intuitive analytics dashboard. Learn the preferences of your viewers, what they like and don’t like, and categorise the data by location, gender, age, and multiple additional demographic parameters. Download the analysis results and use them to improve and fine tune your content and marketing strategies.

Video Branching