Transform passive watching into active, lead, capture
with Cinema8

Turn every video into a lead generation machine. Easily embed forms and CTAs into your videos to capture leads effectively. Start transforming views into valuable business opportunities today.

More than just a lead capture tool: Transform views into new leads, and maximise your video marketing impact with Cinema8's Smart Streamer.

Convert any video into a sales funnel

Transform business, service, or product videos into active sales funnels. Embed forms and calls to action at strategic points to capture viewer interest and convert it into actionable leads.

Seamlesly integrate into existing workflow

Add lead generation forms into your videos, and directly feed contact details collected into your CRM system. Supercharge your marketing efforts with Cinema8’s seamless data integration, with enhanced security.

Seamlesly integrate into existing workflow

Optimise engagement with deep analytics

Optimise how your videos perform as active sales funnels, using Cinema8’s detailed analytics. Track and analyse viewer behaviours to identify high-performing content through A/B testing. Strategically place calls to action where heatmaps show they're most effective, boosting your lead conversion effortlessly.

Optimise engagement with deep analytics

A powerful video lead generation tool for any business to accelerate growth.

Marketing professionals

Marketing professionals

Tackle the challenge of capturing qualified leads by turning every video into an interactive lead generation tool. Enhance brand visibility and attract high-quality leads with Cinema8.

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Sales teams

Sales teams

Accelerate the sales cycle by converting viewer interest into confirmed leads with effective CRM integration. With Cinema8, stream smarter and turn every video view into a direct sales opportunity.

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Service providers, consultants and agencies

Service providers, consultants and agencies

Overcome the hurdle of expanding client bases by leveraging video content to gather actionable leads. Embed strategic forms and CTAs in your videos to effectively capture new business inquiries and broaden your outreach.

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Frequently asked questions (FAQs)

Cinema8's analytics track viewer interactions with your videos, offering insights into which sections capture attention and which prompts drive action. You can run A/B tests to refine these elements, optimising your videos to convert viewers into leads effectively. Our platform's detailed analytics help you identify the most engaging content for targeted improvements.
At Cinema8, we commit to high standards of data security. Our platform uses encryption and robust access controls to protect your video content and any associated lead data. These measures prevent unauthorised access and ensure that your lead generation efforts comply with data protection regulations.
Integration with your existing CRM systems is seamless with Cinema8. Once you've placed a form or CTA in your video, any data collected—like email addresses or phone numbers—is automatically transferred into your CRM. This direct channelling simplifies lead management, allowing you to track and nurture leads without manual data entry. Just set it up once, and watch your customer database grow as new leads come in from your videos.
Cinema8 is ideal for marketing professionals, sales teams, and service providers looking to harness their video content for lead generation. Whether you're aiming to enhance brand visibility or accelerate your sales cycle, Cinema8 equips you with the tools to turn every video view into a potential lead.
Cinema8 allows you to embed interactive forms and CTAs into your videos effortlessly, requiring no coding skills. Just drag and drop the widgets you need, such as signup forms, directly into your video timeline. This capability transforms your videos into engaging tools that not only hold viewer attention but also capture their contact details on the spot.
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Leverage Cinema8’s AI-driven interactive video platform to turn your video content into a powerful asset for lead generation. Try interactive features for free and see the transformative impact on your lead metrics and sales performance.