Video is the biggest, most available and the highest performing part of content marketing. Video grabs the audience’s attention at an instant, while the interactive videos make them engage with the content in a productive way. Consumers are watching tons of videos on a daily basis, and for many companies, it is of vital importance to know their video content consumption trends to remain competitive in a crowded digital marketplace. Having video insights and tools to analyze these video content consumption trends; to have detailed analytics reports is a must to stay relative in the age of social media marketing. 

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Why Video Insight Matters?

Successful companies, individual creators, and digital marketing agencies have to stay on top of their video content creation processes. To achieve that they need to analyze their viewer’s video analytics reports meticulously. Video insight tools are one of the best ways to know what your consumer base is attracted to. With the video insight knowledge at hand, it is possible to make better commercial decisions and interpret what consumers think about your videos in a way that will help you create better content in the future. There are many metrics that video insights include that are important for video content creators such as view count, unique viewers, feedback, average watch time, video click-through rate and much more.  

View Count

View count is the most relevant metric to measure how wide of an audience your video has reached. View count useful, but it merely scratches the surface of video insight and analysis. A high view count will also attract unique viewers to your videos.


Videos, and all content, exist for the engagement. Hence the correct evaluation of overall feedback to your videos is crucial. People tend to share what they enjoy to their circles thus helping you reach a wider audience. In addition, interactive videos are great in the context of video engagement and constant feedback flow.     

Average Watch Time

Average watch time is the overall amount of minutes that viewers spent watching your videos. It is calculated as the total watch time of your video is divided by the total view count. Average watch time is an important metric to measure how well your video is holding your viewers’ attention.

Video Click-Through Rate

Video Click-Through Rate (CTR) is a metric that measures how well your video is at promoting a desired action for your viewers. This desired action or call-to-action can be in a form of text, image, HTML or video. Its placement is the most important factor to consider for increasing your videos CTR.        
Video keeps viewer attention, promises high levels of engagement and encourages social shares. Today, we are consuming more video content than ever and its technologies such as interactive video, big data analytics, and video insight tools are getting better as we keep learning. These technologies are there for companies that strive to have our attention and also for us to keep enjoying many more video contents to come.

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