How To Create Content Based On SEO?

It is most likely that you might have heard of SEO and if you don't know, then here's a thorough explanation so that you have better comprehension about it. Basically, SEO is defined as the process of boosting the visibility of a web page in organic search results on a search engine.

Simply put, SEO strategies work by demonstrating to search engines so that you're content, web page at hand.

How and why? It is because all search engines work to achieve the same goal— to show the best, most relevant results to their users. And it all depends on the search engine for which you are optimizing for.

The sole purpose of a website is to bring you more business. And this can only happen if you have more traffic organically. To get more organic traffic to your web pages, you need to understand and cater to Google's algorithm. If you want more organic traffic to your web pages, understand and cater to Google's algorithm.

How To Optimize For Google Search Engine? 

Google notably uses more than 200 ranking factors, but to your surprise, there are more ten times more than that. There's no way to know all of these ranking factors, but yes, some studies can give correlations between various factors and Google rankings.You need to understand that Google ranks pages, not a website.

Just because your business offers 'steel fabrication services', doesn't mean that every page on your website should rank for the query, 'steel fabrication services.

You can use search engine algorithms to rank your different topics and keywords with different pages.

Google SEO

Here are some factors that help you create SEO based content:

  • Crawlability

How will Google rank your content if it is not aware of its existence? So, Google needs to know that your content exists. Therefore, you need to crawl and index your content first on a search engine. 

Before Google can even consider ranking your content, it first needs to know that it exists. Although Google uses several ways to discover new content on the web, the primary method is crawling.

In simple words, crawling is where Google follows links on the pages they already know about to those they haven't seen before. Google uses a computer program called Spider for this.

They then crawl that site and follow that link to discover your website homepage and likely add it to their index.

But there is something you need to know that can block Google's crawlers and you need to avoid doing it:

  1. Poor internal linking:  To crawl all the pages on your website, Google mainly relies on internal links. Mind that pages without internal links often won't get crawled.
  2. No followed internal links: If your website has internal links with ‘no follow tags,’ Google won’t crawl it.
  3. No indexed pages: If your website's webpage has internal links from nano-indexed pages, likely, Google won't find them. So, using 'noindex' meta tag or HTTP header, you can exclude pages from Google.
  4. Blocks in robots.txt: Robots.txt (text file) that instructs Google where it can and can't go on your website and if pages are blocked here, forget about crawling.
  • Mobile-friendliness

Many surveys and search engine based research conclude that more than 63% of Google searches generally come from mobile, and every year the number is growing.

In simple words, it has been seen that most people are most likely to hit the back button when a desktop version of a site loads on mobile.

  • Pagespeed 

The speed at what your last page loads is called page speed. It is one of the major ranking factors on desktop and even on mobile.

Suppose you are wondering why then Google has particular reasons. It wants to keep its users satisfied and if the users are clicking on search results that take too long to load, leading to user dissatisfaction—making it a factor that affects ranking. For checking the speed of your web page, Google's Pagespeed Insight tool can help you out.

  • Backlinks

The ranking algorithm of Google is based on something called Pagerank. Or you can call it backlinks as votes. You should know that if pages have more votes, they tend to rank higher. 

It was clear from a study of almost one billion web pages that there is a correlation between referring domains and organic search traffic.

In short, backlinks matter if you wish to rank your website for anything worthwhile. The only problem is that it is not easy to get a backlink, especially to specific content like product pages.

However, with right link building tactics, even if you are new to the game, aim to build links to your best informational content.

The most commonly used tactic is the Skyscraper Technique.

  • Authority

You cannot consider all backlinks as equal as some are more important than others. This fact is built based on how Pagerank works.

If you can get backlinks from a high authority page, then of course it has more weightage than low-authority pages.

Why Should You Care About SEO?

As an employer or business, you must be interested in knowing how you can leverage SEO to help drive organic traffic, leads, sales and eventually revenue and profit for your business. Therefore, it is important to know the benefits of good SEO that can bring you profits.

The specific searches can be extremely powerful for a business to get high-intent traffic. Hence, it would help if you choose the right service like Cinema8 provide to make your business powerful.