Cinema8 Secure

How to Secure Your Projects?

There are many security and restriction options in Cinema8 that you can protect your projects. Let's take a look at these.


If you put a password on your projects, those who want to view your video cannot watch your video without entering the password correctly. To do this, click on Projects on the left panel. Click the Actions button to the right of your project where you want to take security measures. Open the project editing page by clicking Edit from the list. Select Private from the list in the Visibility section. Set a password in the Password field and save the changes. Viewers will no longer be able to watch your video without entering this password.

Domain Restriction

You can prefer to watch people who come from a domain that you designate only. So, this is very simple. Click on Projects in the left panel. Click the Actions button to the right of your project where you want to take security measures. Open the project editing page by clicking Edit from the list. Select Private from the list in the Visibility section. Enter the domain you want to restrict to the domain and save the changes. If your audience doesn't come from this domain anymore, they will not be able to watch your video.


If you want to allow your user to watch your video only, you need to use user permissions. Click on Projects in the left panel. Click the Actions button to the right of your project where you want to take security measures. Open the project editing page by clicking Edit from the list. Select Unlisted from the list in the Visibility section. Select the permissions you want to restrict from the “Only Visible to…” list. If you want to define a new permit.

Tube Channel Security

Let's say you have a corporate tube channel and there are many users that you have created. Some of these are from the IT team and some are from the IK team. Some of the channels address to the IK and some to the IT team and you don't want each other to see their channels. For this, you need to create user groups. If you want to define a new permission-user group.

After defining the new permission, click on the Tube in the Left panel. Click the Actions button to the right of your channel where you want to take security measures. Open the channel editing page by clicking Edit from the list. Select the permissions you want to restrict from the Security Permissions list.

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