How to Use Cinema8 Libraries?

How to Use Cinema8 Libraries?

Cinema8 Library helps you manage their media while producing interactive video content.

Materials are needed when content is produced. These materials vary depending on the content to be produced. If video content is to be produced, the materials needed will be video, audio, image, and text. If interactive video content is to be produced, you may also want to add downloadable resources or redirects to different websites. You will want to work effectively while producing your video content with your materials. If you want to produce content with effective work, you should keep your materials and project files organized and this area should be easy to manage. Cinema8 allows you to easily manage the material area such as video, music, sound effect, image and gif with the Library while producing your video content thanks to its CMS system.

If your project idea is ready but you don't have videos, audios, sound effects and images, you can check out Cinema8 Library. We have put together videos, sounds, sound effects, visuals you may need for you.

An overview of Cinema8 Library

  • Upload your materials to Cinema8.
  • Use the materials you previously added to My Library.
  • Synchronize your video accounts with Cinema8 to use your existing videos.
  • Easily find the video you are looking for on web search from YouTube and Vimeo and easily add interactivity.
  • Find the material you are looking for by filtering.
  • Delete your materials in My Library.
  • Create a project at once with videos in the Library.
  • Find out the status of the video you upload to My Library.


You can upload your videos to Cinema8, use the videos in Video Library, or sync your video accounts with Cinema8 to use your existing videos. Also, you can easily find the video you are looking for on a web search from YouTube and Vimeo and easily add interactivity.

My Videos

You can manage the videos you will need to create a project from this area. You can upload videos to Cinema8, and choose videos from your synced video accounts.

You can search from the top of the video list by the video name and the platform where the video is located. Also, if you want to do a specific search, you can search for videos by tag with "Select Tags" in this section. You can see the total number of videos found in the lower-left pane of the video list.

You can preview your videos from the "Preview" section on the right side of the videos. Again from this right side, you can delete your videos from the "Operations" section, you can easily create a project with this video from the "Create Project" section, you can find out whether the video you have uploaded from the "Status" section is ready for use, you can learn the total duration of the video from the "Duration" section and the video from the "Platform" section you can understand which platform it came from. You can also find out when the video was added to Cinema8 from the "Created On" section. You can see the total number of videos found in the lower-left pane of the video list.

Video Library

You can find the background video you need by searching with keywords from the Video Library and you can quickly create a project. For you, we have added many different types of videos to the library, such as animation, shooting video, background video, 360-degree video.

You can search by the name of the video from the top of the list of videos. Also, if you want to do a specific search, you can search for videos by tag with "Select Tags" in this section. You can see the total number of videos found in the lower-left pane of the video list.

You can preview your videos from the "Preview" section on the right side of the videos. Again, from this right side, you can easily create a project with this video from the "Create Project" section and you can learn the total duration of the video from the "Duration" section.

Web Search

If the video you want to use on Vimeo or YouTube already exists, you can find it by searching for it without having to upload videos to Cinema8 again.

When you click the "Web Search" option on the right side among the options in the upper section of the Library, you will see the search bar. You can find the video you are looking for by entering keywords in the search bar.


It is the area that allows you to manage the sound effects and audios you will need while producing video content.

My Audios

You can manage the audios you will need for a project from this area. You can upload audios to Cinema8.

You can search from the top of the audio list by the audio name. Also, if you want to do a specific search, you can search for audios by tag with "Select Tags" in this section. You can see the total number of audios found in the lower-left pane of the audio list.

You can preview your audios from the "Preview" section on the right side of the audios. Again from this right side, you can delete your audios from the "Operations" section, you can find out whether the audio you have uploaded from the "Status" section is ready for use, you can learn the total duration of the audio from the "Duration" section. You can also find out when the audio was added to Cinema8 from the "Created On" section. You can see the total number of audios found in the lower-left pane of the audio list.

Audio Library

You can find the sound effect you need by searching with keywords from Audio Library and you can quickly. For you, we have added many different types of audios to the library's sound effects and background audios.

You can search by the name of the audio from the top of the list of audios. Also, if you want to do a specific search, you can search for audios by tag with "Select Tags" in this section. You can see the total number of audios found in the lower-left pane of the audio list.

You can preview your audios from the "Preview" section on the right side of the audios. Again, from this right side, you can learn the total duration of the audio from the "Duration" section.


It is the area that allows you to manage the images you will need while producing video content.

My Images

You can see and manage the images you have previously uploaded in this area. You can see and manage the images you have previously uploaded in this area. You can add new images to the "My Images" section with the "Upload" button in the upper right corner of the images. All you have to do is "drag and drop or click to select" the image into the pop-up window that opens by clicking the button. After the image upload is complete, "File uploaded successfully!" You will see the message. You can now close the window by clicking the "Close" button. When you hover over the images with the cursor, you can see the image in full screen when you click on the icon in the lower right corner of the image. You can delete the image by clicking the delete icon in the lower right corner of the image.

Image Library

You can find the image you need by searching with a name from Image Library and you can quickly. For you, we have added many different types of images to the library, image and icon. You can search by the name of the image from the top of the list of images.

When you hover over the images with the cursor, you can see the image in full screen when you click on the icon in the lower right corner of the image.

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